Riway International Scam? – Real Truth Behind the Slick Design
Fancy sport cars, Rolls Royce, Mercedes, extravaganzas, these are the things that makes you want to know more about the Riway’s business opportunity.
How can these people be so successful and drive these extravagant cars?
And, is Riway really “showing you The Right Way” of doing business? That’s what we will figure out as well.
Honestly, this is not the first network marketing company I’ve seen which uses these “shiny objects” to lure opportunity seekers.
Over the years, I’ve seen the rise and fall of promising companies like Riway.
Companies like World Ventures, Zrii, Jeunesse, Herbalife, etc.
These are companies with a “unique product” that “shocks a certain industry”.
It is true that many “millionaires” are created during the hype…
But, the truth of the matter is, for every millionaire that is created, there are thousands who’ve lost pots of money in the business opportunity.
So, in this Riway review, we will try to establish if you can really make a lot of money with this company.
But first, let’s find out the legitimacy of Riway international.
For Anyone Who Wants To Start a Profitable Online Business
Is Riway International a Scam?
There are two topics that we will be discussing here:
- Is Riway International an Mutli-Level Marketing (MLM) scheme?
- Medical Claims made by its distributors
You might also be interested about the reasons behind the high failure rate of Riway distributors.
Is Riway International an (MLM) Scheme?
This question sparks many debates in the forums like hardwarezone.com.sg and lowyat.net.
The fact is that Riway is a Singaporean registered company under the name Riway International Group Pte. Ltd.
Unlike in the U.S. where there is a distinction between a Multi-Level Marketing company and a pyramid scheme…
The Singaporean law sees both terms as the same thing, and MLM, in general, is not legal in Singapore.
However, not all MLM structured businesses are illegal. The exempted businesses are insurance companies, Master Franchises, and Direct Selling Companies.
I would have thought that Riway International is considered a Direct Selling Company, but it baffles me that it isn’t.
You see, direct selling companies in Singapore needs to be registered as a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA).
But upon further checks, I was not able to find Riway International as a member of DSA.
A Closer look into the Singapore Law…

Source:Direct Selling Association of Singapore
And, in one of the seminar, the presenter presented the business opportunity as a “Network Marketing Company – another term for MLM”. Moreover, at some point of the presentation, the presenter claims this as a franchise opportunity.
If this video isn’t available anymore, please let me know by leaving a comment below.
So, in my opinion, Riway is considered a Multi-Level Marketing company. I am not sure how it can survive in Singapore for so long.
Maybe some kind soul can enlighten me in the comment section.
However, being a Multi-Level Marketing company doesn’t mean that Riway is a scam. MLMs or Network Marketing companies are generally accepted in many parts of the world.
For Anyone Who Wants To Start a Profitable Online Business
Medical Claims Made by it’s Distributors
You might have seen many testimonials by customers sharing their experiences with Riway’s Purtier Placenta.
Many of them claimed that Purtier has changed their lives, and some even claimed that complicated medical conditions, like cancer, stroke and diabetic issues, have been solved by Purtier…
Purtier Cures Stage 4 Stomach Cancer
Miracle Pregnancy at Age 47
Recovery From Critical Diabetes
Facial Stroke & Hypertension
Parkinson Disease
However, at the same time, many people felt that it is a waste of money…

Source: Lowyat
And then, the Authorities stepped in…
The Food Drug Administration (FDA) of the Philippines issued a public warning against Purtier…

The same goes for the United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Health and Prevention…

Can any kind souls translate this? 🙂
I’ve found news relating to this in Khaleej Times and Gulf News.
As what I’ve read, the authorities in the Dubai has banned the sale and distribution of the product.
Update: In June 2019, Health Sciences Authority of Singapore (HSA) has issued a formal warning against Riway to stop making false and misleading claims that Purtier can treat or cure cancer.
Now, Some Distributors still claimed that Purtier is HSA Approved…

Is Purtier Placenta really approved by Health Science Authority of Singapore (HSA), and Singapore General Hospital (SGH)?

What you need to know about the “HSA Approved” and the “SGH Approved”, is that neither HSA nor SGH has approved of the distribution of the products.
The formal letters issued are simply just a confirmation that there are no known harmful substances in the product sample provided.
In fact, Purtier is considered a Health Supplement in accordance to HSA.
Health supplements are not subjected to approvals by HSA, and there is no requirement for HSA to assess the effectiveness of the products.
So, if there’s anybody who comes to you with these claims, run far away.
For Anyone Who Wants To Start a Profitable Online Business
Does Purtier Placenta Really Work? – My Opinion
Honestly, if you are a healthy person to begin with, you may not see any results consuming the products.
And, as for people who have health conditions, and who have tried all means to find a solution, I would say that you should give Purtier a try. Not the entire 6 months therapy because it will cost SG$3,688, but buy a bottle of it (cost approximately SG$388 on Lazada).
Chances are if it is really good for your health, you can almost immediately see results. Then, you can make a smarter decision for thereon.
Also, you might be interested to know that you don’t need to buy Purtier to reap the benefits of the Deer Placenta. There are many competitors out there that charges 1/10 of the price of Purtier.
- Cervidor – 60 x 350mg – NZ$38
- NZ Green Health – 60 x 10000mg – NZ$49.95
- New Zealand Health Food – 60 x 2000mg – NZ$26.50
So, while there are many negative news against the effectiveness of Purtier, we can’t ignore the fact that there are many positive experiences being shared.
So, the only way to know if Purtier works for you is to try it yourself.
Does Riway Manufacture Purtier Placenta? – The Ugly Truth
Here’s the ugly truth about the Health Supplement industry. Anyone in this world can own a private labeled health supplement company. See Vasayo.
Anyone can simply engage a supplement manufacturer to produce a private labeled supplement product…
Slap a brand to it, and you are done for. It is then up to you to brand, sell and market the product.
The same goes for Riway. It engages a product manufacturer called Alpha Laboratories.
Alpha Laboratories is responsible for the sourcing for ingredients, producing the supplement, packaging, and the delivery of the products.

Honestly, this is the perfect solution for Riway because the entire manufacturing process and operating a facility is expensive, licenses are required as well.
This makes perfect business sense for Riway, because the cost of production is reduced dramatically.
However, you would have thought that the lowered cost of production will benefit the consumer, but no.
Because of the slick branding, and the cost of running the compensation scheme, Riway decides to price their products almost 10 times the price of its competitors.
Whether it is ethical or not, and if it is the “Right Way – the derivation of Riway” to do business, I leave it up to you to decide. 🙂
And, just an observation of mine, the price difference of the product is what made many distributors “rich”.
Very little money goes into the research and development of the product.
How Does the Riway Business Opportunity Work?
How to Join?
In order to join Riway as a distributor, you’ll have to purchase a 6 month therapy package which cost SG$3,688.
This package consist of 7 boxes of Putier Placenta, and it comes with a distributor account called the “Diamond Account”.
One weird thing is that a box of Purtier Placenta is sold at approximately SG$388 on Lazada, while it is more expensive when it is bought through a seminar (SG$3,688 / 7 boxes = SG$527).
However, a few perks for you if you decide to join as a distributor are…
- You don’t have to maintain the account – There is no minimum purchase requirement once the account is active;
- There are no Sales Target – But if you want to really earn good money with Riway, you’ll have to set your own targets;
- The membership is lifetime and it is transferable – Personally, I think this is a marketing gimmick because only a small percentage of network marketing companies will last for decades. You may end up with a lifetime membership that has no value (just saying).
How do you earn money from Riway?
There are 3 ways that you can earn money with Riway…
- Referral Bonus
- Development Bonus
- Matching Bonus
Referral Bonus
As long as you refer someone to purchase the 6 month therapy package, you will earn a 10% commission which is SG$368.80 (SG$3,688 * 10%).
Development Bonus
The Riway International compensation plan works in a binary model.
This means that as long as you have one person on the left leg, that matches another person on the right leg, you’ll earn the 10% development bonus. In simple terms, whenever there is 1 one the left, and 1 on the right you earn SG$368.80.
Matching Bonus
This runs 3 levels deep.
As long as your downlines (3 levels deep) earns a Development bonus, you’ll earn 10% of what she or he earns.
3 levels in a Binary Compensation plan means the 14 distributors under your helm.

And in simple terms, whenever any of the 14 distributors earns a development bonus, you will earn 10% of what they earn.
Now do you understand why Purtier Placenta is so expensive? Most of the money goes back into the compensation plan.
How do you get started with the Riway business?
It is said that anybody, irregardless of your educational background or working experience, can start this business.
All you need is the drive to help as many people as possible. This opportunity caters for people who yearn health or wealth.
The best way to start for new Riway distributors is to contact their immediate friends and family members…
If a new distributor is comfortable presenting the sales pitch themselves, they can fix their own appointments.
But, for those who are not comfortable presenting the sales pitch yet, it is recommended that they bring their “prospects” to their regular seminars conducted 3 times a week.
This is the easiest way to do the business without doing the selling and telling yourself.
But, if this opportunity is so “easy”…
Start A Profitable Online Business Here!
Why is there a High Failure Rate in Riway?
As much as any distributor claims that the products are an easy sell, and you can earn “easy money”…
The truth is far from advertised!
Think about it, if it is that easy, everyone would have done it, right?
So, here are some factors that could cause a distributor to fail, even when there is no account maintenance or sales targets.
Joining the Wrong Team

Imagine joining a person who says this in the sales pitch or when asked…
“We sell at high price so we can earn big profit, those selling at low price can’t earn much, we don’t care if the product is good or not, but my concern is to earn money, that’s all!”
Honestly, this is the worst kind of sponsor you can get, and I am pretty sure that there are many of them.
However, I also believe that there are distributors who really care about their downlines and the people they’ve been in contact with.
Essentially, your success and failure will depend very much on the knowledge and experience your sponsor or upline can impart to you.
If you have a sponsor or uplines that are not successful themselves, you will end up in a situation where the blind is leading the blind.
This could be avoided if you learn the skill of attraction marketing, and it simply means to bring your network marketing business online. You attract people who really cares about the products that you sell, as well as people who wants to succeed with you.
Lack of Leads or Prospects
This is the biggest challenge Riway distributors face.
As you probably know, for any business to succeed (be it network marketing or brick and mortar), it needs a constant flow of highly targeted leads.
And, without that, a business can’t grow.
You can contact your friends and family members to join initially, but not all of them have the same entrepreneurial spirit as you.
Which means that not everyone that buys the product will be an active distributor.
If you really want to achieve success with Riway, you’ve got to recruit the right people in your team.
But, after contacting everyone you know, my guess is that you wouldn’t know who else to contact.
So, as a person who’ve been in the network marketing industry, I highly recommend that you learn how to attract the right prospects through attraction marketing.
My 2 Cents on Riway International
Honestly, I have nothing against the company or it’s products.
I do think that Purtier has a unique selling point, and anyone who wants to be successful with Riway can do so.
However, I just didn’t agree with the cost of the products, and the unscrupulous claims by some distributors to lure people into buying the product and joining the business.
If you want to join the business, and you want to learn how to find an endless stream of highly targeted prospects, you can learn Attraction Marketing here.
But, what if the Riway Business is not suitable for you?
As I’ve said above, this business opportunity is not meant for everyone.
Particularly, the sales environment isn’t suitable for everyone.
If you are easily affected as a result of a peer rejection, then you might not be suitable to be in this.
In case you are still looking for a way to earn extra money from home, I would highly recommend that you check out this program.
This is the program that got me to quit my full-time job and still earn a full-time income online.
Thank you for reading this Riway International review!
I hope that the information I’ve shared above will help you make an educated decision, whether it is to buy Purtier or to join the business opportunity.
If you find this review helpful, please, help to share it on Facebook and Twitter.
And, if you’d like to discuss more about Riway, feel free to leave a comment below.
Your pal,
Hey, Im a believer of Live Cell Therapy and Colon Cancer survivor.
Genuine Purtier is not a medicine, it is a supplement. Honestly, it can transform your fatal disease to a healthy body.
If you rely your information online, you made a mistake. Riway International has Zero Advertisement Platform in youtube, on any TV Networks, Magazines, or endorsed by celebrities except only in their own official website (Riway International)
If you want to experience good health and reverse aging. Purchase it now and become an advocate!
You will not regret.
I Thank the Lord for the miracle of healing from this medical breakthrough…
Hi Jack,
I had been approached by someone close to me
As an insurance person who does underwriting and risk management naturally I do not trust anyone except what I read.
I ask for the Insurance Product Liability to back any victim that are affected after consuming such product. I do not get it after many tiring times.
Doctors whom I know said such product through MLM is not recommended
Pharmacist said such product is not on the shelve have a reason like any MLM product
Thanks for raising eyebrows to those who read and I am one who is curious and inquisitive
Hi Yong,
Thanks for sharing this!
~Jack (BareNakedScam)
Hi Jac.
Thanks a lot for your very informative review on Riway’s product. Yes, you are right in saying that it is a must one should personally try or use it first for us to know whether or not the product really works. As for me, i felt energized and boosted. Thanks once again Jack
So is this company legitimate or is it just a Scam? I would prefer a straight answer pls…
Unfortunately, there is no straight answer and I will tell you why.
Firstly, the products do not work for everyone. Some people will benefit from it, while others will not.
Secondly, because of the aggressive marketing tactics, the FDA and some other authorities has warned against its products.
Thirdly, because some distributors tried to brand this as a “get rich quick” scheme, and focused heavily on recruitment, it could be seen as a recruitment scheme.
And lastly, the products and the business structure is considered legitimate in the eyes of the law, so it is a legitimate company with a lot of bad press.
Now you understand why there is no straight forward answer?
Hope this helps!
~Jack (BareNakedScam)
It’s a scam, don’t need to be at around the bush. The claims they make for how the product works is totally against any scientifically known method. Additionally, any recovery made by people who have taken putier also includes the medicine they were taking from their doctors also. At best any success is a placebo. “Feeling energized” can be attributed to some herbs inside the product, but if that’s the case you might as well get those herbs at 1/10 the price.
Hi Jack, I read this article because I just got approached by a friend for this product. And immediately I googled and that’s how I came into your article.
The way he trying to sell me his idea is making his story sounded mystery and trying to attract me by showing riway’s video, where they held a big event in Singapore newest stadium and invite few Taiwan pop star as performance artist during the event.
Since 20 years ago, friends around me keep approach me to join Amway, I don’t know why but I keep having negative ideas about all this direct selling products. After much thought, I figured out the main reason why I feel annoying is because the cost of the product is ridiculously expensive. Not only Amway, when we mentioned any direct selling products, all the cost is way expensive, and only rich people able to buy it. I feel annoying about this, that’s y I keep saying no to direct selling.
And until today, I heard about riway, and thanks for the internet technology, I able to Google whatever answer I need , unlike 20 years ago, people are mostly blindly believe in mouth to mouth marketing without knowing the truth behind it.
And finally, thanks for your efforts to gather all information and share with us.
Thanks for your compliment as well as sharing your story!
Nowadays, most MLM or direct selling companies are notorious in a way that they try to hide the products and the name of the company from their consumers.
That’s until they make you sit through a presentation, and that’s when you will realize you are being poached into an MLM opportunity.
There is a good reason why they are doing this. If you know the company name and the products straight up, I’m pretty sure you will run away after finding out that it is an MLM company, right?
While you will still run away after sitting through the presentation, there are some people who will find the products and opportunity intriguing. In other words, being “brainwashed”. MLM presentations are very good at this.
So, technically speaking, you are not their “right” target audience. They are looking for people who are open to MLM opportunities or are oblivious to the truth about MLM. 🙂
Anyway, thanks so much for sharing!
~Jack (BareNakedScam)
I actually know a few friends who are in Riway, including the person who started the “franchise” in Singapore.
After 10 years, it is still going strong.
My friend wanted to recruit me, but I turned her down.
The company is doing very well, and organising ridiculously luxurious incentive trips for their top performers. One of the reasons why they are doing so well is the China market. Many Chinese clients (from China) are lapping up the products. They leverage on the ignorance of the people. They also use “health” as a way to hook people in.
I wonder why such operations continue to be legal in Singapore.
Hi Jack, thanks for sharing your review of Riway. Personally, I feel this is an unethical product. The fact that they charge such high prices on a product like this that isn’t fully approved and has no solid evidence to back their claims, and they target people who are extremely vulnerable.
I work in the health industry, and it’s a shame to read that companies like this exist.
It’s possible that the products may work for some people, but the high costs aren’t right. And the fact that some distributors are making strong claims about how well they work also makes it a business opportunity that I wouldn’t ever want to be a part of.
I agree with your point that if you’re going to go into this business and promote it, you should at least have used the product for yourself and give your own personal experiences of the product.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this system, it’s interesting to see other points of view.
All the best.
Thanks so much for sharing your point of view Stephanie!
~Jack (BareNakedScam)