
Is Wakaya Perfection a Scam? – Is it worth Joining?

Wakaya-Perfection-mainName: Wakaya Perfection
Website:  www.mywakaya.com
Founder: David Gilmour and Todd Smith

Income Opportunity rating: 2.5 / 5 Stars

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So, you’ve been introduced to Wakaya Perfection and you wanted to know if you can really lose weight, look younger and make money at the same time.

You’ve come to the right place because, in this review, I am going to share with you everything you need to know in order for you to make an informed decision.

Wakaya is an island in Fiji, and the island was bought by David Gilmour and his wife in 1973.

Before Wakaya Perfection was founded, David Gilmour was already a very successful entrepreneur who was featured in Forbes, and he was the spearhead of the Fiji Tourism where he owns hotels and restaurants in Wakaya.

The Wakaya Ginger, one of Wakaya Perfection’s products, was previously owned by David’s hotel in Wakaya, and it was already sold online even before Wakaya Perfection was founded. Today, you can buy the Wakaya Ginger at a cheaper price in Amazon as compared to the Wakaya Perfection’s website, but if you are an Ambassador, you can get the product a lot cheaper.

Todd Smith, on the other hand, was a top distributor of another Multilevel Marketing Company called Youngevity, but he left Youngevity after 19 years.

Both David Gilmour and Todd Smith came together and founded Wakaya Perfection in 2016.

Youngevity wasn’t that happy when Todd Smith started Wakaya Perfection and filed several lawsuits against Todd Smith and Wakaya Perfection in 2016, threatening the success of the Company. The case is still ongoing at the time of this writing, but I wouldn’t dive too much in the politics between these 2 companies.

But, one thing for sure, Wakaya Perfection is here to stay.

So, the answer to the question on whether Wakaya Perfection is a scam is NO.

Wakaya Perfection wouldn’t be able to sustain such a huge blow if it was a scam.

However, although this company is legit, it doesn’t mean that this opportunity is suitable for you.

This program has led me and thousands of people make a Life Changing income online. Find out how you can too!

Let’s dive deep into the offerings of Wakaya Perfection.

Want to Lose Weight and Look Younger with Wakaya Perfection?

Wakaya Perfection has 2 product lines, the BulaFIT and Hydration, but its main focus is on helping you lose weight.

You might have been charmed by Owen McKibbin, a fitness enthusiast, who was featured many times in the Men’s Health magazine, to join the BulaFIT Warrior Challenge.

Owen McKibbin is also a celebrity trainer for Blake Lively, Zac Ephron, Amber Valetta, Jessica Simpson and many more, and I am quite sure you want to know what he has to offer, right?

The BulaFIT Warrior Challenge is a 90 day weight loss and fitness program where they will pay you to lose weight or get healthy.

You’ll sign up to the program, purchase and consume the BulaFIT products, and follow the program guide. Here are the prizes:


Alright, all those sound really enticing, but the fact is, the products don’t work for everyone.

I’ve seen people having success with the program, while I’ve also seen failures too.

The only way to know if it works for you, is to try them yourself.

This will help you determine if you should join the Wakaya Perfection as an Ambassador.

Should You Join Wakaya Perfection as an Ambassador?

Like I’ve said above, before you join Wakaya Perfection, it is important for you to try their products for at least a month.

If the products worked for you, great! Then, you can consider joining as an ambassador.

The fact is, if you are not convinced that the products work for you, how can you convince others, right? And, it is unethical to promote a product that you do not truly believe in.

Now, if the products worked for you, and you are interested to be an ambassador for Wakaya Perfection, here’s what you need to know…

More than 95% of the Ambassadors fail

Even though the products worked for you, it doesn’t mean that you will be an instant success.

Even if you have success on the product, and people do see a great change in you, it doesn’t mean that they will be interested in what you have to offer.

Seeking the right audience is important, and if you follow the old way of direct marketing, you will be shocked by the low rate of sales conversion.

Most Ambassadors of Wakaya Perfection will seek the help of their friends and family, and they may have success in the short run, but the success of the business boils down to the continuity of the business.

The friends and family may not understand that you are trying to build a business, but they will lend the help to try the products.

In order to succeed in this business, you’ll need a team of Ambassadors who are hungry for success, and that they are under your helm.

But, it is really difficult to find people with such caliber.

And, furthermore, part of your success depends on the team that you are joining, unless you already have prior sales experience (online or offline).

This program has led me and thousands of people make a Life Changing income online. Find out how you can too!

I’ll share with you why below…

The Reasons for Failure…

Like I’ve mentioned above, the conventional way of promoting the Wakaya Perfection products may lead you to failure.

If you’ve joined a team that encourages you to target your friends and family, then I’ll suggest that you look for another team.

Your team must be able to teach you how to source for prospects and promote the Wakaya Perfection’s business opportunity online.

Furthermore, I’ve seen teams that can care less about the success and failure of its Ambassadors. This is quite common in many teams because the turnover rate of Ambassadors is rather high, and it only makes sense to recruit new members, instead of training existing ones.

Also, if you really want to join the Wakaya Perfection business opportunity, I would suggest that you join someone whom you know will be patient and willing to groom you into a great salesperson.

If you got all the above covered, plus your willingness to pursue this business venture, I am sure you have a chance of success.

The Wakaya Perfection’s Compensation Plan

What is the Cost of the Business Opportunity?

To join Wakaya Perfection as an Ambassador, you’ll have to purchase, at minimum, the “Ambassador Welcome & Web Tools Kit” which cost $49.95 and $25 for subsequent years.

But, it doesn’t make sense for you to purchase only the Welcome kit, because you are consuming the products anyway, and it is cheaper to purchase the products when you are an ambassador.

Like I’ve said, there is no point for you to promote the Wakaya Perfection products unless you truly believe that it is beneficial for you, which means that you continually consume the products even if when you are not an ambassador.

So, the prices of the product packages ranges from $299.95 to $474.95 per month as you can see from the image below:


It also make sense for you as an ambassador to participate in the Autoship program where you will automatically purchase products at a discounted rate on a monthly basis.

Generally, it make sense for you to be an ambassador if you are consuming the Wakaya Perfection’s products on a regular basis.

My Sincere Advice to You

Try the products for at least a month to determine if the products work for you.

If the products work for you, great! You can then think of joining Wakaya Perfection as an ambassador.

There is no point of you promoting the Wakaya Perfection products if you do not believe that the products work.

Even though the products work for you, it doesn’t mean that you will be successful with the business opportunity.

Although it seems like the products will sell for itself, but you will be shocked that many people will close their doors on you if you are not tactful on your sales pitch.

This leads me to another point where you have to be a great salesman in order to succeed in this business.

If you are not comfortable in a sales position, then this business opportunity is not suitable for you.

So, what if the Wakaya Perfection business is not for you, and you’ll still want to earn a living from home.

I highly recommend that you check out this program that has taught thousands of individuals, including myself, to earn a living online.

Thank you so much for reading this review!

Feel free to leave a comment below if you wish to discuss on the Wakaya Perfection business opportunity. If you think this review is helpful, please, feel free to click on the social media buttons.

Your pal,



  1. Priscilla Drake says:

    Ive started becoming a ambassador a few weeks ago. My main reason is to save my life and lose weight! If i make money too. That would be awesome! I already have been a salesperson but would love to learn more! I already have people interested, but they want to see my results. I started the product the 10th of June and i have already lost 9 pounds!

    1. Awesome that you are sharing this Priscilla! If you are interested to learn how to help more people online, then I think this will help.

      ~Jack (BareNakedScam)

  2. Maria Brooks says:

    Very helpful article very helpful article .

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