Team National Scam Complaints – Another Pyramid Scheme?
Someone might have told you that you can enjoy great savings and create a good source of income with Team National.
Now, you’re trying to find out if you should drink the Kool-Aid or stay away because Team National is a scam and a pyramid scheme.
Well, let me assure you that Team National (TN) is not a scam.
It is a legitimate MLM company and it is possible to generate an income with the Team National business opportunity.
The being said, Team National is not for everyone.
For starters, most people who joined this company failed to make a good amount of money in the end. There are even people who ended up losing hundreds and even thousands of dollars!

So in this updated Team National review, I will provide you all the information you need to decide whether or not Team National is the right business opportunity for you.
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What is Team National?
Team National is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company that offers discount memberships. A similar MLM company is Lyoness.
Team National was founded by Richard “Dick” Loehr in 1997, and it is now in the hands of Angela Loehr Chrysler (Richard’s daughter).
The company is now operating for over two decades.
Aside from that, Team National is also a member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA), Dun and Bradstreet (D&B), and The US Chamber of Commerce.
That only shows its credibility and legitimacy.

But being legitimate doesn’t mean that it is a great opportunity to save and make money.
We will discuss why below.
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How Does Team National Work
There are two ways to join Team National.
#1 Standard Membership
First, you can subscribe to Team National standard membership and get savings/discounts on your everyday needs.
The standard membership costs $795.
It will give you 2 years of access to the savings benefits (I’ll talk about it below), and it also covers your whole household.
#2 Premium Membership
The premium membership costs $2195.
You’ll get a lifetime membership that covers your whole household, and even your grandparents, children, grandchildren.
Team National’s Savings Opportunity
Team National claims that they provide savings in a wide variety of industries and there are people who seem to support this claim.

This benefit can also cover up to 5 employees if you’re a business owner.
Different Team National Membership Savings
Whichever membership (Standard or Premium) you choose, you will get the same savings benefits.
Factory Direct
The Factory direct is the furniture division of Team National.
Team National goes straight to the manufacturers to give you up to 65% savings for outdoor and indoor furniture products.

This huge discount could be real as I’ve seen some people who claim to save a good amount of money with Team National’s factory direct.
Here are some recent Team National reviews.

And here’s an older one.

Team National also has other saving programs such as Group Buying Power, Business Exchange, and Online Shopping.
It also has its own private label brand of products such as nutritional, kids, automotive care products, etc, which Team National claims to be 50% cheaper compared to similar commercially available products.
The company also has an online marketplace called Big N Marketplace, which offers up to 30% rebates from popular brands.
I wouldn’t spend any more time on the savings/discounts/rebates and will dive deep on the Team National business opportunity.
Team National Business Opportunity
Team National operates in an MLM business model.
Team National distributors or Independent Marketing Directors (IMD) are the ones who are selling the membership plans.
You don’t have to purchase any of the two memberships if you want to become an IMD.

All you need to do is to purchase an IMD Starter Kit worth $55 to get your business started. The starter kit includes the basic tools that you need to learn how this business works.
You can renew your membership as an IMD by paying a $25 annual renewal fee.
As an IMD, your job is to “market the consumer membership to other potential consumers”.

One thing that makes people think Team National is a scam is because there aren’t any physical products for you to sell as an IMD.
Your only income will come from selling the Team National membership itself, which no matter how you look at it, is the definition of a pyramid scheme.
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But before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a closer look at the Team National compensation plan and why many people are tempted to join this business.
Team National Compensation Plan
Team National’s website reveals very little information about the company, nor its compensation plan.
But I found this short video which will give us a pretty good idea about how you can make money with Team National.
Based on the video above, we can assume that Team National’s compensation plan is pretty similar to other MLM companies out there.
The only way that you can earn money with Team National is by selling memberships.
It isn’t illegal per se, but many people (including me) frown upon this idea because it is exactly how a pyramid scheme operates.
Furthermore, most of the IMDs have failed to make money in this business and I’ll explain the reason behind this failure below.
But for now, let’s take a look at the Team National complaints from its members and customers.
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Team National Complaints
#1 IMD’s Lie Just to Sell Memberships??
Some of the IMDs are too eager to earn money.
They lie to people about the refund policy of the membership, just because they want to make sales and earn commissions.
For example, I’ve seen some people who joined Team National because they were told that the refund period is about two weeks when it isn’t the truth.
Team National refund and the money-back guarantee are only valid for 3 days after the purchase.
And after they’ve found out that Team National isn’t the business for them and they decided to take their money back, they were pretty disappointed with what they’ve found out.

If I were in their situation, I would definitely get angry as well.
But if you think that this is bad enough, wait until you see the other reasons why some people believe Team National is a scam.
#2 More Team National Refund Issues
Some people were actually aware of the real conditions and refund policy of Team national because the IMD told them the truth.
However, when they requested a refund “on time”, they still don’t receive any at all.

#3 Unworthy Investment? Bad Services?
Team National is supposed to give the members the best savings as possible.
But in some cases, some of them were not able to find any savings at all and they get nothing but horrible service!

#4 They Did Not Process the Rebates!
Few members and Team National IMDs did not get the rebates they are promised.

#5 Team National Independent Marketing Directors Don’t Make Money (Most of them)
Team National is transparent about the income disclosure.
Here’s what the IMD’s have earned in 2017…

As you can see, 92.8 % of all the IMDs have failed to earn a substantial amount of money for the whole year.
Aside from that, 87.85% of them did not earn any income at all.

While Team National claims that their compensation plan is the most lucrative one in the industry, the numbers above seem to tell a different story.
The only one who has earned a good amount of income are those who are at the top.
Naturally, this led people to believe that Team National is a scam and a pyramid scheme.
That being said, I still stand in my initial opinion that it is a legitimate MLM company.
I do, however, know the reasons why most of the IMD’s have failed in this business and we will discuss all of them in the following section of this Team National review.
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Why Most IDMs Fail To Make A Decent Income With Team National
#1 Lack of Leads
One of the biggest challenges most IMD’s fail to overcome is how to get a steady supply of leads for their Team National business.
Whether you like it or not, the only way for you to make a decent income with TN is to get as many people to join the business so you can earn your commissions.
You might be smiling right now because you have your prospect list with 100 or more people in it.
Tell you the truth, most of the people in your list right now aren’t going to join Team National.
And once you’ve exhausted all the names on that list, where will your new prospects come from?
#2 Lack of Skills
Not all people are comfortable in the sales environment and not all people are willing to go out of their comfort zones.
If you want to make a living with the Team National business opportunity, you must be skilled in selling and recruiting.
If not, you must be willing to do whatever it takes to learn and master these skills.
Otherwise, you must accept the fact that network marketing is not the business for you.
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#3 Wrong Mindset
Why do you want to join Team National?
(1) Is it because you’ve had a good experience with their services? (2) Did you get huge discounts and substantial savings with their membership packages?
(3)Or you want to join Team National because you simply want to make money by recruiting other people?
(4) Did the IMD you spoke with convinced you that making money with Team National is easy?
Other than reasons 1 and 2, you shouldn’t consider joining Team National. Here’s why.
#4 Targeting the Wrong People
Speaking of your prospect list (1), it is likely that what you have are your close friends and family.
But base on my experience in the MLM, your friends and family aren’t the right kind of people for your business.
Besides, not all people would want to join this business and not all would be interested to pay for the benefits that you offer.
So it is only natural that when you approach them to promote Team National, they would say NO.
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Is Team National a Scam/Pyramid Scheme
Once and for all, I will say that Team National isn’t a scam.
There are some benefits to joining this business and the fact that the FTC hasn’t touched it for over two decades says a lot about its legitimacy.
However, Team National does operate in a pyramid scheme manner but I will leave the final say to the authorities.
I would also love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
Team National Pros And Cons
- Legitimate company
- Great savings on some products/services
- Some IMD’s lie just to sell memberships
- Expensive membership fee (discount membership)
- Discounts/savings aren’t always available
- Refund issues is a common thing
- MLM has an abysmal success rate
My Humble Advice to You
Team National’s savings opportunity is good.
But you must not recklessly spend your money on the membership if you want to join for business.
Keep in mind that the Team National business isn’t for everyone and most of its members are not making a decent income.
Team National’s business opportunity is more suitable for those who are passionate about meeting people in person to sell the memberships to them.
And of course, if you want to have an endless stream of prospects, I recommend that you learn this powerful strategy.
It’s what allowed the top-performing IMD’s to get a seemingly endless source of leads and find the right people for their Team National business.
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Team National Business Alternative
If while reading this Team National review you realized that it is not the right business for you…
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Thank you for taking the time to read this updated Team National review.
Until here and if you have any questions, let me know in the comment section below.