Is Rodan and Fields a Scam? – No! But…
Name: Rodan and Fields
Founders: Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields
Income Opportunity rating: 2.5 / 5 Stars
#1 Recommended Online Business Training with Proof: Click Here
“Run far away from Rodan and Fields, it’s a pyramid scheme”, some say, while some others embraces this company.
Who should you listen to and what should you do if you were approached by a Rodan and Fields’ consultant?
I’m sure you are interested to know, and in this review, I will share with you everything you need to know in order to make an informed decision.
Rodan and Fields is founded by Dr. Katie Rodan and Dr. Kathy Fields, both renowned doctors who have created and grown ProActiv into a multi-million dollar company.
If you don’t know about ProActiv, it is a skincare formula to cure acne problems. I’ve used ProActiv in the past, and it simply works.
Now, in the year 2000, Rodan and Fields has created several product lines, and instead of the indirect distribution channel (consumer to buy the products from a wholesaler or retailer) like many other skincare companies do, they’ve chosen the direct marketing channel with a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) structure. Some might call it a pyramid scheme.
As most of us know, there is a fine line between MLM and a pyramid scheme. Here’s a video that explains what a pyramid scheme is:
Now, although Rodan and Fields fits the criteria of a pyramid scheme, let me tell you why it isn’t a pyramid scheme.
Why Rodan and Fields is not a Pyramid Scheme?
Referring to the video above (5.00 minute), you’ll see a checklist that identifies a pyramid scheme:
- Promise large monthly income working from home
- Require to invest your own money
- Strongly emphasizes on recruiting
- Complex commission structure
- Lacks “Outside” retail sales
- Sounds too good to be true
Because of the MLM structure, the company’s communication depends largely on the sponsors (the person who introduces you to the business opportunity) or the distributors.
If the company does not manage its distributors properly, the company can easily be indicted for running a pyramid scheme.
That being said, the company has stated quite clearly in its policies that:
Source: Rodan and Fields Policies and Procedures
Policies can be set, but whether or not they are adhered to, is a separate issue.
Without proper guidance from senior distributors, new distributors wouldn’t know if their actions will have legal consequences.
Different teams within Rodan and Fields acts differently, however, one rotten team can ruin the image of the company.
In my opinion, Rodan and Fields is not a pyramid scheme or a scam, but it really depends on their distributors to adhere to the policies and to portray the image of the company.
Now, although the company is not a scam, it doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed a success.
In fact, more than 95% of the distributors who joined Rodan and Fields failed, and I will share the main reasons with you as you read along.
Before that, let us take a look at the products the company offers.
The Rodan and Fields Products
There are 4 skin care product lines namely:
- Redefine – For the appearance of Lines, Pores and Loss of Firmness
- Reverse – For the full range of skin discoloration concerns – from dullness to stubborn dark marks and age spots
- Unblemish – For Acne
- Soothe – For sensitive skin
Depending on your skin care needs, you’re encouraged to buy a suitable skin care regimen which cost between $170 to $199 at the retail price.
You can save up to 10% of the retail price if you decide to be a preferred customer (auto-shipment of selected products every 60 days + $19.95 enrollment fee).
The big question is, do the products actually work?
Does the products work?
Let’s take a look at some customers review to determine if the products work:
You see, there are people who simply love the products, there are people who suffer from side effects from the products, and there are people who simply didn’t feel a difference using the products.
Who should you listen to and who can you trust? My simple advice is to listen and trust nobody other than yourself.
You are the best person to judge if the products work.
However, if you have serious skin problems, my advice is to consult a dermatologist before trying the Rodan and Fields products.
Can you make money promoting the Rodan and Fields’ products?
Before deciding to be a Roden and Fields consultant, the first pertinent question you have to ask yourself, “Do the products work for me?”.
If you can’t answer this simple question, don’t be bothered to join this business opportunity, why?
If you are not convinced that the products work for you, how are you able to convince others, right?
Now, if the products work, what’s the next step, right?
Let’s take a look at the compensation plan (this video is not endorsed by This is purely for your information only):
It seems easy to make money from this opportunity, but the fact is that more than 95% of the consultants fail, why?
Why more than 95% of the Roden and Fields consultant fail?
Just that you know I am not making the statistic up, here’s a snapshot of R+F’s income disclosure for the year 2016:
Source: Roden and Fields Income Disclosure 2016
Of the 100% consultants who joined R+F, 99.46% do not make a significant income from this business opportunity.
By significant, I mean a life changing income of at least $3,000 per month, as this amount will allow any individual to quit their 9 to 5 jobs.
Whoever that claim that making money from Rodan and Fields is easy, you should run far away from that person.
Success with Rodan and Fields is carved through the hard work and dedication of each consultant, and even if you’ve given your 100% to this opportunity, it doesn’t guarantee your success. Here’s why…
1. Wrong Attitude
If you join this business and expect that the products will sell for itself, then you are setting yourself up for failure.
People who are successful in Rodan and Fields are people who will go against all odds to find their success.
It’s obvious that you will face rejections on a daily basis (you’ll be a sales consultant, what can you expect?), and some might even lose a friend or two along the way, but it is through sheer determination that a consultant can overcome adversity and succeed eventually.
The path to success is steep, and many gave up along the way, because it is really tough.
I’m sure those who are trying to sign you up as a consultant wouldn’t share this information with you.
2. Lack of Leads
To succeed in this business, you need a constant flow of new prospects and customers.
If you are taught to only promote the Rodan and Fields products within your social circle, then chances are, you will run out of new prospects and eventually causing your business to fail.
Let’s take an example.
Out of a 100 people that you meet, I am quite sure that approximately 20 of them will be interested in the products.
And, out of the 20 people who are interested in the products, 10 of them will buy the products.
If you are lucky enough, 1 to 3 of those 10 customers will join Rodan and Fields as consultants in your team.
Remember, the turnover rate for consultants is very high, and if you can’t retain those consultants, you have to constantly find new consultants to replace those spots (for you to earn commission from the compensation plan).
What if you ran out of new prospects in your social circle, what happens next?
My suggestion is to join a team who can teach you how to find new prospects online, and of course, that team must have many successful consultants who walk the talk.
3. Joining the Wrong Team
The problem with most MLM companies is that their support and education has never been consistent.
One might receive a royal treatment when joining a team, and the other might receive a poor induction.
It is very important to join a team that puts your interest ahead of theirs.
As we know, the turnover rate of consultants is very high, and it only makes sense for the team leaders to constantly find new prospects, instead of training and cultivating their existing consultants.
So, it is very important that you find a team who will support you through your journey to success.
You might want to do some due diligence before joining the team, by asking questions about their training curriculum and mingling among those new consultants to see if they received the support that they so needed.
My Sincere Advice to You
The first step to become a Rodan and Fields consultant is to believe that the products work, this goes without saying that you have to try the products.
Product effectiveness and monetary success with the company is two separate matters. Though the products work, it doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed a success.
More than 95% of the consultants fail, and I’ve shared the reasons above.
It is through hard work, dedication and tenacity that a consultant can find success. If you are those who hates being rejected, this might not be a business for you.
So, what if the Rodan and Fields’ business opportunity is not for you, but you would still like to learn how to make extra money?
I would highly suggest that you check out this program because it has helped many people to achieve success online, including myself (here’s my income proof: 2015, 2016 & 2017).
Thank you reading this review!
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Your pal,
So after the table the income disclosure statement Data
I am assuming you have ensured that assumption all those people who signed up as consultants – 100% of them were working the business?? To draw out the data that 95% dont make money
Is there any data on people signing up for the consultation discount and never sell products , I personally know 6 out of 12 of the friends who are consultants dont sell
I.e there is a personal use enrollment kit for enough of products to use, and maximize consultant discount.
So I am assuming you arent using the Bad data that is a pervasive problem in our world, and especially in the world of work. It’s a problem that we have copious amounts of useless data, but the fact that we’re treating this bad data as though it’s good data – as though it will validly predict things like performance – is nothing short of a disaster.
Thanks for sharing your opinion!
Yes, 100% of them were working the business, and that’s why the last column of the income disclosure is named “% of paid consultants”.
All consumers who were not a consultant, and who were not paid are not included in the stats.
This data is proof that the business is not suitable for everyone, and it is not easy to be successful with it. It is not a useless data, the numbers tell a lot of things.
Thanks for sharing your opinion once again!
~Jack (BareNakedScam)