Empower Network Review: Sexiest Scam Alive, Now Dead!
Name: Empower Network
Website(s): www.empowernetwork.com
Price: $25/mth, $100/mth, $500, $995, $3,500
Owners: Dave Sharpe & David Wood
Bare Naked Scam Rating: 5 Thumbs Down
Empower Network is Dead…
It’s official!
While Empower Network is dead, Dave Sharpe, the co-founder is back and he is bigger than ever.
Now, Dave Sharpe has founded Legendary Marketer, and it is a 180 degrees turn from Empower Network. It is a program that I highly recommend, and you can check out both the Legendary Marketer Program Review and the Legendary Marketer Book Review.
It’s finally time to say good bye to Empower Network.
In this video David Wood, the other co-founder, finally confessed how he screwed Empower Network. Will he ever revive from this?
His first Meltdown video was removed…
There’s really a lot to learn from this video. It is hard to admit mistakes, and to own up to them.
I salute David Wood for doing this video, and I sincerely hope he’ll be ok.
Though I didn’t approve what Empower Network did to the online business community, I’ve got to say that David Wood has earned my respect after this video.
Further below is my old review about Empower Network if you are interested.
Here are several more after the Empower Network goes Bankrupt…
I don’t know what he is doing on this Facebook Live:
Dave Wood claimed that World Ventures stole money from him:
How Dave Sharpe “screwed” David Wood:
A Short and direct Introduction of the Empower Network (Sexiest Scam Alive)
Do you have a few thousand dollars ($5,139.95 to be exact) to spare?
Keep in mind that you may never see this money again.
I’ll share this with you in a bit.
I just wanted to get this out to you that if you don’t have that kind of money, then you shouldn’t think of joining Empower Network.
You might think that $25/mth isn’t that much, and why do I even mention $5,139.95, right?
You see, with $25/mth, you will not get any sort of information about building your online business.
You basically get some videos which talks about some legal issues when starting out with your business, and a low quality blogging platform.
Then, it comes with an upsell of its inner circle membership which cost $100/mth, then followed by several upscale upgrades (they claim it is a must – they will call you a wussie if you don’t upgrade), which cost another few thousand dollars.
Before you know it, you are $5,139.95 poorer then when you first started to find business opportunities which supposedly make you money.
In my opinion, Empower Network may just be the most sexiest scam alive on the internet, because of its hype, claims, false-promises, and expensive upgrades.
Before we get into the details, let’s take a look at what Empower Network is…
Empower Network is a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company that is deemed to help an individual avoid all the challenges and pitfalls when they first start out their home based business (Internet Marketing Business).
What you need to know is that the “home based business” that they are talking about, is for you to start a business promoting “Empower Network”.
It’s few thousand dollars worth of upgrades does not provide you with a great deal of knowledge on Internet Marketing, but just information on how to promote Empower Network.
So, is it really worth it?
Honestly, being a successful Internet Marketer for several years, I know that Internet Marketing knowledge does not cost a lot.
I can get a great deal of knowledge, support and a step-by-step guide to Internet Marketing for as low as $19.
The benefit from the Internet Marketing course that I am talking about gives you a life skill for you to build any kind of online businesses you want.
So why would you pay a few thousand dollars for a course that only teaches you how to promote Empower Network?
The decision is yours to make, but let’s move on with the details…
Learn a life skill from a place that is responsible for thousands of online successes
What are you actually selling? – Nothing valuable for lower cost products
Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that all of the products in Empower Network are worthless.
There are some valuable knowledge within the Empower Network, BUT it will cost you $4,495.
I’ll first say that it is not recommendable for you to spend so much money on those information when you can get them at a much lower cost.
A few thousand dollars is no joke, especially when you are in need of money. Can Empower Network guarantee that you can make more money than you’ve put in?
No one can guarantee your success, only you can decide your own destiny.
If anyone in Empower Network can provide you with that guarantee, run far away, because that will never happen.
Why put yourself (and your family) on the spot, when you are already lacking in finances?
Discover an Internet Marketing Course which is Responsible for Thousands of Online Successes.
Blogging Platform – You pay so much, but you do not own the blog
This is the first level of the membership in Empower Network, and you have to have this before you can progress with the “Empower Network System”. It provides you with a Blogging platform from Blog Beast.
For $25/mth, you would think that you can do whatever you want with your blog, because you’ve purchased it, and you own it.
But, you are wrong!
Empower Network owns the blog (even if you’ve purchased it), and you can’t promote products other than Empower Network.
The Inner Circle Membership – Nothing more than a motivation tool
This is the second level of Membership that is promoted as a “Need” in Empower Network. Without that, you simply can’t make any money.
I do agree that you need the Inner Circle Membership, because $25/mth do not get you anywhere close to any Internet Marketing knowledge.
For $100/mth, you will have access to a library of Audios that contains hundreds of hours of conference calls.
In those calls, high rollers of Empower Network talks about how they make a couple of hundreds of thousands a month.
There is a lot of talking, but very little knowledge and actionable items to follow through.
In one of the audios, there is this guy who spends 30 minutes of my time talking about his lavish lifestyle and how I can do the same. There is not much value to that.
I don’t know about you, but TIME is an important asset of mine and I wish I hadn’t wasted my time on that audio.
The Costa Rica Mastermind Intensive – No helpful Information in terms of Internet Marketing
For $500 one-time payment, you will have access to a series of videos which covers marketing strategies and ways to approach online leads.
If you would have done some research, you will realize that most of the information in the video series are most probably outdated by now.
The 15K Formula – Useful information at a high price
For $995, you get 9 in-depth video training course (19.5 hours in total) where you will learn marketing techniques and strategies from experienced Internet Marketers (of course, Internet Marketers who promotes Empower Network).
This is where you will start to get valuable lessons you need to build your Empower Network Business, however, the high price does not justify the value of the lessons.
Learn Internet Marketing from a Renown Course. Start here!
Masters Retreat – Extremely high price
For $3,500, an extremely high price, you will get 40 plus videos featuring the live training seminar held in Costa Rica.
These videos are supposed to recondition your mind to think and act like those high rollers in Empower Network, and make you be aware of the things you need to do in order to succeed in your business.
Although it gives some really good strategies that anyone can use for their online business, but it is definitely not worth paying so much for.
If I want a course that condition my mind to success, I would find the best person in the market, Tony Robbins.
Empower Network is an MLM company – Oh Gosh!
As you probably know, the main focal point of any MLM company like Empower Network is recruiting. The more people you recruit the higher your income will be.
The products of an MLM company are just a tool to attract people to join the company and fend off any legal issues relating the company to a pyramid scheme.
Just for your knowledge, a huge MLM company “Herbalife” have been probed by Federal Trade Commission (FTC) relating its company to a pyramid scheme.
A Pyramid Scheme or some called a Ponzi Scheme, which involves a company profiting from recruitment instead of product selling.
Get the full story of “Herbalife” here.
Imagine a huge company like Herbalife with legitimate products is being probed by FTC, what will happen when the FTC starts questioning about Empower Network. What will happen then?
All your hard work and dedication to Empower Network will be going to waste when Empower Network is forced to close down.
With that being said, let me walk you through the Empower Network’s concept of the compensation plan.
Empower Network’s Compensation Plan
Let’s say you joined Empower Network and your only referral is Lisa (refer to the picture above). Lisa becomes your first sale, and you get your $25 back. Lisa as hardworking as she is, recruited 11 people.
Lisa will keep the commission from her 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th – 10th sale. You being recruited only one person, will get the 2nd, 4th, 6th and every 5th sale from Lisa.
If Lisa’s 2nd sale goes all in ($5,139.95) to purchase all the products that Empower Network has to offer, it will be passed up to you, not Lisa. It sounds nice for you, but what if you are in Lisa’s shoe.
Keep in mind that you are only able to receive commission on products that you have paid for.
For example, If you only purchase the $25 blogging platform. You are only going to receive a $25 commission from Lisa’s 2nd sale being someone who spent $5,139.95. You can’t get any higher commission than what you have paid for.
What happens to the remaining $5,114.95 commission? It will be passed up to a higher level.
The truth about the MLM industry
There’s one thing I always ask people when they want to join an MLM company is “Are you passionate about the MLM company’s product”.
To define passion, a person usually eats, sleep, breath and talk about the MLM’s product all the time.
Similarly for Empower Network, do you like to write/blog about Empower Network? Do you like to share Empower Network to your friends and family? Would you like all your friends to know you are promoting Empower Network to them? Do you like to tell a story that you are making a success with Empower Network when in actual fact you are not?
If your answer is NO, then why bother joining because you will most likely fail in the business. Let me give you the statistic about the drop-out rate in the MLM industry.
Statistics of dropout rate in MLM companies
In the first year, at least of 50% of the people who join the MLM company drops out.
Within the next 5 years, at least 90% left the company and by the year 10, only those 1-5% of the people who are at or near the top of the pyramid are successful.
So basically your success rate in an MLM company is close to 0. Spending so much money in Empower Network doesn’t guarantee your success, it only benefits the people at the top (people who are higher up in the pyramid then you).
Don’t add yourself to the statistics of the MLM industry and take your control of your success here!
What you need to know about Empower Network
Empower Network calls you a wussie if you don’t go all in (buying all of the Empower Network’s Products)
- There are so many people promoting Empower Network that it becomes a big competition. (You are probably too late in the game)
- Only the people at the top of the pyramid makes big money (The chances of you reaching the top is close to 0)
- The lessons in Empower Network don’t really teach you how to write quality contents that will give you a huge boost in Google rankings.
- Without Google ranking, you probably have to pay for traffic into your blog which doesn’t make sense.
- The products are so pricey that it might cause you to have a huge financial burden after joining.
- Paying so much doesn’t guarantee your success.
- If you are only going to purchase to the Inner circle level, you probably won’t get much valuable information to help you in your business.
My Final Take
I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you want to join Empower Network, but do not fall for their hype and rosy pictures that they paint for you, you are probably going to paint a rosy picture for them instead.
It’s hard to make money so do not throw your money away on overpriced products that doesn’t give you much value in return.
If you really want to learn how to make money online and acquire Internet Marketing skills that will last you for a lifetime, then I invite you to check out this Internet Marketing Training course.
I guarantee that you will be able to see the BIG difference in terms of the value you get with my recommendation.
Please feel free to share this article with your friends and family (Social Media buttons below) if you think this article is useful to them, also I invite you to share your thoughts and opinion on Empower Network.
Your pal,
Hunn!thanks all,I came to make my findings before signing up,and I have found out the truth!
Reveiw Request: Tecademics and Internet Marketing College
The Next Empower Network:
all the same company, Tecademics
Will look into it Chris! And, thanks for the heads up!
~Jack (BareNakedScam)
I was green as grass when I joined EN and over the next few months got skinned alive.
Being totally ignorant of IM the company sucked me into things that I not only didn’t understand but received absolutely no help with training. They had my money and that seemed to satisfy them. Just another sheep to be sheared and discarded when the wool ran out – to use a mixed metaphor, plenty more fish in the sea to be fleeced.
As a widow, trying to compensate for a husband’s loss of income, it was embarrassing and humiliating to be “taken” for my small savings.
My experience would be to recommend staying as far away from these sharks as possible – only a very few -who have money to begin with – ever succeed.
OMG … Thanks man , you really saved my money. I was about to join this scam and fortunately i got to read this review. Thanks a Ton
No Problem Azeem! Glad I could help!
~Jack (BareNakedScam)
Hi, Jack
I was once a member of Empower Network which did SCAM me out of a small fortune and you have also done a good job in highlighting exactly what is wrong with EN and why people should not join.
This post is very helpful to those who are considering whether to join EN or NOT!
I’m glad you liked my review. Hope this goes out to warn wary people. I was in EN for a while too until I realise they keep asking for more money as I went through each of its steps.
~Jack (BareNakedScam)
Hi Jack,
This is a great EN review. I hope people who are thinking about joining the EN will read this review and think long and hard about spending so much money on something that has very little value for the money and something that is very difficult to succeed at. Can’t wait to read your DS Domination review. Keep up the good work!
Hi Roland! Thanks for your support! I’m glad you agree with me.
~Jack (BareNakedScam)