VoxxLife Scam? – 8 Facts You Need to Know
VoxxLife has been getting a lot of attention within the MLM industry for developing non-chemical and non-invasive treatments for neural activation problems. The company offered socks, insoles, and patches with vibrotactile patterns that claimed to be helpful in maintaining health and wellness.
Seems skeptical, right? Well, you are not the only one. I am pretty sure questions like “Is VoxxLife legit” or, “is VoxxLife a scam” came across your mind.
You are in the right place because in this review, I am going to share with you everything you need to know before you join the company.
So, let’s get started…
1. What is VoxxLife?
VoxxLife was founded by Jay Dhaliwal in 2016. Dhaliwal came up with the idea of building VoxxLife after his mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis back when he was a teenager.
He spent a lot of his formative years developing methods to treat multiple sclerosis without the use of electrical stimulation and drugs.

After years of research, he and his team were able to develop vibrotactile patterns which activate skin receptors to trigger neuron responses. They manufactured socks and insoles with molded vibrotactile patterns which they claimed to send neural signals to help the brainstem achieve homeostasis.
They claimed that it would contribute to enhanced pain management, postural stability and balance, and increased mobility. All that health benefits without the possible side effects of drugs or invasive electrical stimulation.
2. VoxxLife Products
VoxxLife is an interested MLM company. Instead of focusing on food supplements, weight management, vitamins, energy drinks, like what most MLM companies do, they give special attention to your foot health.
And, their Voxx Human Performance Technology (HPT) are developed and patented by the company, unlike some MLM companies that buy products from white label pharmaceutical companies and resell them for profits.
If you are wondering what Voxx HPT is, VoxxLife claims that…
“VOXX HPT is a very specific sequence and pattern of neuroreceptor activation on the bottom of the feet that triggers a signal that aides in the brainstem reaching homeostasis.”
In other words, Voxx HPT provides better balance and mobility, increased energy, enhanced pain management, faster recovery, and neural health.
VoxxLife started with 2 core products, Voxx Stasis and Voxx Sol, and they gradually increased their product offerings to patches, wearables, and a wider range for the core products.
Voxx Socks:

Whether you are looking for Voxx socks for neuropathy or Voxx socks for balance, right now, you can find both benefits in 6 different types of socks:
- Voxx Stasis ($30 – $50)
- Voxx Terra ($45): Designed for outdoor activities such as hiking, work and all-day wear in a boot or hiking shoe
- Voxx Profiles ($45): Designed for casual wear. Voxx Profile is designed to be hidden in sneakers and low-cut shoes
- Voxx Luxe ($40): Designed for office wear
- VoxxLife Athletic ($30 – $40): Designed for athletes
- Voxx Iconic Crew ($40): Designed for style and fashion
Voxx Insoles:

- Voxx Classic ($50): Meant for day-to-day activities
- Voxx Bliss ($50): Greatly benefit seniors as it offers additional cushioning
- Voxx Rush ($50): Best suited for athletes
- Voxx Bella ($45): All-day wear designed for ladies
- Voxx Bello ($45): All-day wear designed for men
Voxx Patches:
VoxxLife patches are to be applied to your clean and dry dominant forearm. After first application, the patch can be moved to other parts of the body. Each patch can be used only once and must be replaced after 48 hours of use.

- Voxx Life HPT Patch ($60): for better balance, pain relief, more energy, fast recovery, and better overall neural health
- Voxx Life Rempatch ($60): for better sleep cycle
- Voxx Life Neurovax ($60): helps to optimize immune system
- Voxx Life Metapatch ($60): help to optimize resting metabolic rate
Voxx Wearables:

eSmartr Sleeve ($55 – $61.25)
VoxxLife claims that these sleeves are embedded with Cognitive Boost Technology pattern which also helps in triggering neural response in the brain. Thus, it helps with concentration, memory, decision making, stamina and overall sense of clarity.
The sleeves can be worn underneath your daily clothes.
Voxx Magic ($75 – $95): The shapewear and high waist hipster provides comfort, soothing and overall support in the mid-section. They claim it to improve posture and make you look skinnier.
Voxx Therapy ($80): A knee support embedded with HPT that could reduce knee inflammation, stiffness and promote better muscle recovery.
VoxxLabs ($35): A topical muscle relaxant gel made up of menthol and other ingredients.
3. Does Voxx HPT work?
VoxxLife has conducted many studies on their products.
These include:
- California Sports Institute – 50 subjects in a double-blind study
- Liuna – 69 members using SWAY Medical software
- The Golf Lab – A double-blind study of 72 golfers for distance and accuracy improvements
- Rehab Clinics – Conducted a 1,000 person study on foot pain and energy levels
There is another claim on VoxxLife’s official website itself about a cyclist wearing Voxx HPT resulting in a 22% increased power output.
If you are an athlete (or athletic), then you can probably take advantage of these facts. If you are not…
Then you can benefit from the other benefits offered by Voxx HPT on either the socks or insoles.
Now, one thing that I noticed was that the studies above were all sponsored by the company. So, the reliability and credibility of these studies are questionable.
It would be more credible if the research studies are conducted by genuine 3rd-parties with the goal of studying the effectiveness of the products.
But I guess there is no absolute benefit for research institutes to conduct such a study unless they are sponsored.
So, the only way to know if the products work is if you try it yourself. They have a 30 day money back guarantee anyway, so I think it is worth a try.
4. How To Make Money with VoxxLife: Compensation Plan
Despite their somewhat unique product line, VoxxLife is pretty much your typical MLM company when it comes to its compensation plan.
There are 3 ways you can make money with VoxxLife and these are through:
- Direct sales;
- Direct recruitment commissions; and
- Residual commissions from your team
Direct Sales
As a VoxxLife distributor, you have to potential to earn a 25% commission on any products you sell to people.
For example, you manage to sell a pair of Voxx Terra for $40, you will make a $10 commission.
Direct Recruitment Commissions
In addition to direct selling commissions, the company will also pay you for recruiting new distributor signups to VoxxLife.
The commission you make per recruitment depends on the starter kit purchased by the new signup.
What we like about the compensation plan is, there is no sales quota to hit before you start earning money from the company.
The starter kit options and their respective commission payouts are as follows:
- Bronze Kit ($200) – earn $110 profit
- Silver Kit ($400) – earn $310 profit
- Gold Kit ($600) – earn $605 profit
Another benefit is when you promote VoxxLife products to your friends, they get a 25% discount, and you get a $30 added to your account.
Residual Commissions From Your Team
Depending on your rank in the company, you can generate another source of income through residual commissions. Residual commissions are paid out via an Unilevel compensation structure. They have 2 compensation plans:
- Team Compensation Plan
- Leadership Bonus
Team Compensation Plan
This plan is made for teams looking to expand as fast and wide as they want.

- Qualification requirement (QR): Join VoxxLife
- 25% commission from personal sales
Qualified Associate
- QR: 1 associate in Level 1 + $100 personal performance (PP)
- 25% commission from personal sales
- Recruitment commission: 20% on level 1 and 2% on level 2
Team Leader
- QR: 2 Qualified Associates + 2 Associates) in Level 1 + $100 PP
- 25% commission from personal sales
- Recruitment commission: 20% on level 1 and 2% on level 2 up to level 5
- QR: (2 Team Leaders + 2 Qualified Associates) in Level 1 + $100$ PP
- 25% commission from personal sales
- Recruitment commission: 20% on level 1, 2.5% on levels 2 to 6 and 1% on levels 7 and 8
- 5% Leadership bonus
Managing Director
- QR: 2 Directors in Level 1 + $200 PP
- 25% commission from personal sales
- Recruitment commission: 20% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 to 8
- 10% Leadership bonus
Vice President
- QR: 2 Directors in Level 1 + $200 PP
- 25% commission from personal sales
- Recruitment commission: 20% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 to 8
- 15% Leadership bonus
Regional Vice President
- QR: 2 Directors in Level 1 + $200 PP
- 25% commission from personal sales
- Recruitment commission: 20% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 to 8
- 20% Leadership bonus
Leadership Bonus

Rank | Qualification Requirement (QR) |
Associate | Join VoxxLife |
Qualified Associate | $2,000 (PP + 1st 2 Levels of Team Sales) + $100 PP |
Team Leader | $5,000 (PP + 1st 3 Levels of Team Sales) + $100 PP |
Director | $25,000 (PP + 1st 3 Levels of Team Sales) + $100 PP |
Managing Director | $60,000 (PP + 1st 3 Levels of Team Sales) + $200 PP |
Vice President | $150,000 (PP + 1st 3 Levels of Team Sales) + $200 PP |
Regional Vice President | QR: $350,000 (PP + 1st 3 Levels of Team Sales) + $200 PP |
Terms to understand:
- Personal Performance (PP): The monthly wholesale value of your generated sales to customers with single transactions or in personal inventory purchases.
- Team Sales: The monthly wholesale value of the generated sales of your downline associates and sponsored associates up to Level 8 deep. It is exclusive to your PP.
- Leadership Bonus: This bonus is given to individuals with Director to Regional Vice-president rank. It is a share of the pool of all unpaid commissions.
Base on these facts…
- Do you think that VoxxLife is a scam?
- What do you think about its compensation plan?
You can share your thoughts in the Comment Section below.
5. Is VoxxLife a Scam?
Customers do see value in the products as they are of quality, though a little pricey, so we can rule out the possibility of a pyramid scheme. Plus, they honor the return policy, they offer a solid business opportunity for individuals, they care about its product effectiveness, so there is no possibility that VoxxLife is a scam.
The company appears clean and legitimate as any MLM company could get. Its compensation plan that allows its distributors to earn thru direct selling and not thru recruitment alone.
Money is invested in scientific studies on their products proving its effectiveness, although it would have been better if the studies are conducted under a non-biased environment.
It goes to show that the company is not here only to make a profit, it cares about the product effectiveness.
Based on these factors, we are confident that VoxxLife is NOT a scam.
But, if you have reliable information disproving my theory, do share it with our readers in the comment below.
6. VoxxLife Testimonials
VoxxLife is not accredited by Better Business Bureau and Trustpilot. So, to get real insights into what their customers are saying, I’ve checked their Facebook account and found some pretty mixed sentiments.
Some people reported that the socks they ordered got holes in them just after a few months. There were also people who said that the socks don’t have any effect at all. And there are people who said that the products are life-changing.
VoxxLife Negative Reviews

VoxxLife Positive Reviews
There are also some positive customer reviews citing the beneficial effect of VoxxLife products. They mentioned that wearing its socks and insoles helped relieve various physical ailments.

VoxxLife was rated 4.6 out of 5 stars by 223 people so I guess the overall products are good. What do you think?
7. What I like about VoxxLife
Good Product Line
At the top of my list is the fact that Voxxlife promotes foot-health related products.
Although it does not provide VoxxLife a clear advantage from its competitors in the MLM industry, foot apparels that offer health and performance benefits are exciting, to say the least.
MLM companies that promote food supplements and weight management programs such as ASEA, Forever Living, Herbal Life, Usana, etc, are very common. It is good to find an MLM company that is different, even just a little bit.
Backed by Science
The company claimed their Voxx Socks studies proves effectiveness. If indeed true, this can provide many benefits to a lot of people especially to those who are desperate to alleviate the pain and improve their health.
Scientific research and medical claims about their socks and insoles are abundant on the company’s website and marketing material.
Solid compensation plan
Although not exactly unique, Voxxlife’s compensation plan appears stable and sustainable nonetheless.
The company gives 25% commissions, direct recruitment, and residual-based commissions to its members.
Money back guarantee
With the starter kits relatively affordable when compared to other MLM membership plans, Voxxlife top it off with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
8. Concerns about VoxxLife
With all shiny parts of Voxxlife exposed, let’s take a look at the darker parts to understand where the rumored Voxxlife scams are coming from.
Numerous Customer Complaints
Among many negative reviews I’ve come across, the most prominent ones are customers complaining about the poor customer support.
Customers talk about having trouble reaching any representative of the company while they were having minor or major issues.
Expensive products
Needless to say, Voxxlife products are a little pricey compared to similar products from leading brands such as Underarmour, Nike and, Adidas.
To successfully close a sale, you might have to spend ample time explaining to your prospects why should they buy from you instead of from famous and internationally recognized brands.
Hard to get repeat sales
Socks and insoles are not consumables. This means that it will take months if not years for one of your customer to order another set of Voxx Stasis or VoxxSol from you.
Retailing the products might be a source of profit, but it is clear that the fat paychecks in Voxxlife are still in the Recruitment department.
Should you wish to earn a substantial amount from VoxxLife, you need to grow your team and grow it fast!
Biased Scientific Studies
On their website, Voxxlife claims numerous Scientific and medicinal studies conducted by a bunch of independent companies on their products. Sure that’s great.
However, it would have been much better if the studies are conducted in a non-biased environment.
MLM = Very High Failure Rate
Being a distributor for any MLM company such as Voxxlife exposes you to a high risk of failing. More than 95% of all the people who ventured in the MLM business model are bound to fail. Here’s why.
This is not a made up number to scare you. This is the agreed consensus all across the MLM industry. I am not saying that one can never succeed in the MLM industry.
In fact, many people have already done that.
These are the people who mastered the art of selling and learned how to generate an endless source of prospects for their respective MLM business – which you too can learn thru Attraction Marketing.
But statistically speaking, should you join Voxxlife hoping to generate a steady flow of income, you are to fail 9.5 out of 10 times. Sheesh.
VoxxLife Review: Verdict
VoxxLife offers socks, insoles, and other apparel with vibrotactile patterns that could enhance neural responses which could lead to many health benefits. Jay Dhaliwal was inspired to build the company after his mother was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
You can also make money from selling their products and recruiting people to your team. They offer great benefits for individuals with the passion and talent in sales.
I recommend that you try their product and see if it really works before joining. It will be easier to sell the products when you have a personal testimony to share.
However, I wouldn’t recommend Voxxlife to anyone as a full-time business because it is undeniable that the only way to make a substantial income is by recruiting more and more people to join your team.
But, if you genuinely believe that VoxxLife is your ticket to financial freedom, then I humbly advise that you learn about Attraction Marketing.
That way, you will be able to know how to market your products online and get an endless source of prospects that are likely to buy your socks and insoles.
VoxxLife is a decent business opportunity by any means. However, there are better ways to make money.
I highly recommend checking out this program, because it is the program that allowed many people to quit their full-time job while still earning a full-time income from home.
I hope it can do the same for you. All the best!
How do VoxxLife patches work?
VoxxLife patches must be stuck on your forearm or foot for 24 hours. VoxxLife claims that these patches uses vibrotactile patterns of neuro-receptor activation points. When a small amount of pressure is applied, it will activate the proprioceptors and mechanoreceptors on the ball of the foot or forearm. The best part is that you can wear this patch easily and do your usual daily activities.
What are voxx socks good for?
Voxx socks are good as a non-chemical and non-invasive way to reduce pain and improve performance, endurance, balance, and overall mobility.
What is VoxxLife HPT?
Voxxlife HPT, in other words, Human Performance Technology, claims to be a scientifically proven technology to improve users’ strength, energy, stability, balance, and range of motion.
What is Voxx Technology?
VoxxLife embeds Human Performance Technology in their products. HPT refers to the woven vibrotactile patterns in their socks, patches, and insoles that triggers a neural response in the brainstem that helps manage pain, as well as improve mobility and balance.
why aren’t there real testimonials? so many of these products are fake people paid to give reviews. skeptical? ..you bet! i want to know what’s in them because i tried a patch from another company who insisted it had no caffeine and i literally had to rip the thing off mid day because my heart was palpitating so fast. she tried to tell me i was putting it on wrong.?? why cant they just tell you what’s in their patches? i need relief but i dont need to jeapordise my health!
Good review. However, Voxxlife products are not exclusively “foot health ” products but much much more. As a business this MLM holds no merit. It is always wise to research how and if a product works and although it may not work for all (one size does not fit all per se) I have personally had outstanding result and know of many who have. So sad that there is so much emphasis put on monetary gain with this product as I am sure many are missing out on health benefits because of incomplete information in reviews.