Uforia Science Review – 7 Facts You Should Know Before Joining
A food supplement specifically formulated based on your DNA while making money at the same time? Sounds great right?

You’ve probably heard about this “marketing campaign” by Uforia Science, a multilevel marketing company.
But the truth of these claims is still in dispute.
Uforia Science presents itself to be one of the few companies that offer personalized health supplements created specifically for you based on your DNA profile.
Uforia Science presents itself to be one of the few companies that offer personalized health supplements created specifically for you based on your DNA profile.
The company also offers a business opportunity advertised to help you capitalize on its “revolutionary DNA nutrition formula” and earn a part-time or even a full-time income.
However, earning a decent income with Uforia Science is almost impossible if you don’t truly understand what this business is all about.
Furthermore, there are crucial facts about the company products that might discourage you from using and selling them to other people.
In this review, we shall discuss everything you need to know about this company, its products, and its business opportunity.
I know how valuable your time is, so let’s get right into it…
OUT OF 5.0
1. Official website does not mention who owns Uforia science
Uforia was launched in 2019 by Ron Wiliams, who was also the founder of another MLM called ForeverGreen.
Although, multiple sources also name Terry Lacore, co-founder of Pruvit as the owner of Uforia Science. Pruvit was the MLM company that filed a lawsuit against Elevacity, another MLM company, in 2018.
But why Ron and Terry’s name wasn’t openly mentioned on the Uforia Science website is a mystery. Instead, they only mentioned their scientific advisors on their About Page.
Meanwhile, Eric Worre has also been known to make appearances in Uforia Science events and has provided the company with leadership training, which is a good sign.
Eric Worre is the best-selling author of Go Pro, one of my recommended best network marketing training programs.
With this information, it’s safe to say that Uforia is led by experienced and competent network marketers that know the ins and outs of the industry.
Unfortunately, despite the lead personalities’ impressive background, I’m convinced that making money with Uforia Science won’t be a walk in the park.
In fact, you might not even be convinced to use its products, and here’s why…
2. Uforia’s Products are not guaranteed to be safe and effective
Uforia’s products are called “Utrition,” a personalized dietary supplement based on your DNA profile, and “Pretrition,” which is a supplement formula designed to prepare your body before you start taking Utrition.

Why your body needs Pretrition before you can start taking Utrition though is something Uforia Science and Ron didn’t discuss. But on more important matters…
Despite the hypes and salesy marketing campaigns of the company, Uforia Utrition (wordplay of “nutrition made for you”), regardless of whether it is specifically designed for you, is still, by definition a “dietary supplement.”
Dietary supplements don’t need to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they are released into the market, and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any illness.
Therefore, when it comes to safety…
The FDA suggests that you consult a medical practitioner first before taking any of these products first because taking supplements when you have certain health issues could do you more harm than good.
An article published on the CNN Health website claims that while the idea behind using DNA analysis to make personalized dietary supplements holds promise, there is not enough definitive proof to support and verify its positive effects.
The article then continued that one potentially promising application of “nutrigenetics” (the study of how our genes determine our response to nutrients in food and beverages) is through medical foods…
Which, unlike dietary supplements such as Utrition and Pretrition, needs to be strictly overseen by the FDA and must be prescribed by a healthcare practitioner.
So regardless of what good and miraculous things people say about Utrition and Pretrition, the fact remains that these products have not been proven and tested scientifically to work.
Another thing I must point out is that our bodies won’t stay the same.
A one-time DNA test results to determine the “personalized nutritional supplement” that you are going to take for years regardless of your current health condition or daily routine does not make any sense to me.
It’s fair to say that a few weeks or months from now, my daily nutrient needs might not be the same as today, so the idea of taking Utrition becomes moot.
On the business side of things, you must be also prepared to accept the fact that like all dietary supplements, Uforia Science’s products won’t work for everyone and there will be people who won’t benefit from Utrition and Pretrition.
Now, I want to make clear that these are all based on my opinion and on what I know. If you have anything to contribute to this matter, feel free to utilize the comment sections below.
But let’s refrain from unnecessary hostility, and let’s stay respectful of each other’s opinions.
3. Uforia’s product are not that cheap
The company sells what’s called a Ustart DNA Test Kit that costs $159.95 during the time of this review.
The kit comes with 2 DNA swabs to collect saliva from the side of your mouth, a prepaid return envelope to mail your sample, and a 30-day supply of Pretrition veggie capsules.

You need to pay another $99 for Uforia to analyze the samples you sent in their CLIA-certified lab.
The Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) regulate laboratory testing and require clinical laboratories to be certified by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) before they can accept human samples for diagnostic testing.
Uforia’s partnered lab (undisclosed) then processes your DNA, and your genetic data will be used to create your personalized nutritional product, aka Utrition, that contains nearly 100 “peer-reviewed” plant-based ingredients.
Your personal Utrition will be formulated by the “Utritionator” using the company’s “proprietary software” which is said to be a result of a “24-year in development.”
But how this proprietary software comes up with the perfect Utrition for you and how it decides the ingredients and their corresponding amounts that best fit your dietary needs is another mystery.
Also, the company didn’t provide information on the price of your Utrition as I’m guessing it’s a separate monthly cost.
So, after knowing these things, what do you think of Uforia Science’s products?
4. Earning money from Uforia is not a walk in the park
The company gives the impression that there are plenty of ways for you to make money.
Although, upon closer examination, it appears that retail profits aren’t clearly defined by Uforia Science, at least not that I know of, and the compensation plan is more about recruiting people into joining your team.
But don’t take my word for it and let me show you…
Referral Program Bonus
The only thing close to retail sales in Uforia Science is the referral program.
Uforia Science offers a program where you will get a product discount if you sell the Ustart DNA Test Kit to other people.
Each sale entitles you to a 25% discount on your monthly Utrition orders. Therefore, if you can sell 4 Ustart DNA Test Kits, you will basically get your Utrition for free.

But what confuses me though, is that the amount used by the company to illustrate this bonus is the same amount as the Ustart DNA Test Kit.
So whether the monthly price of your Utrition is the same as that of the Ustart DNA Test Kit ($159.95) or not is something you’ll have to ask the person that introduced you to Uforia Science.
And to be honest, there’s plenty of information not provided by the company regarding its business opportunity.
The referral program only tells you that you can get discounts on your monthly Utrition supply.
But what about actual retail profits? Don’t you get any profits every time you sell a product to other people? Because if that’s the case, then Uforia Sciences is operating dangerously like a pyramid scheme where you can only make money by recruiting people.
5. Successful recruiters earn good bonuses
If you have a talent for persuading people into joining your team, you will be entitled to either one of these bonuses.
Starter Pack Bonuses
For every Utritionist or Customer you enroll, you are entitled to this starter pack bonuses.
- Discovery Kit – 50$ bonus
- Discovery Premier – 75$ bonus
- Discovery Pro -125$ bonus
Potential bonuses are listed here in this link.
Team Rewards
You can earn up to $18,000 through building cycles on your team volume.
1 cycle = 900 commissionable volume (CV) which is split between each team leg.
Team Rewards
Check Match Paid on the Team Rewards earned by your team, up to 2 levels on your Enrollment Tree. No limit to how many Utritionists per level.
Enrollment Bonus
You can earn up 10% of the CV from all your PEM’s for their every purchase.
Fast Start Bonuses
Uforia Science distributors, or Utritionist as the company calls them, have 10 different ranks. These are:
- Beginner – New Uforia Science Utritionist
- Builder – Generate 100PV and 1 leg
- Producer – 100PV and 2 legs
- Mover – 200PV and 900 QV a month
- Shaker – 300PV and 2500 QV a month
- Influencer – 300PV and 5,000 QV a month
- Innovator – 300PV and 12,500 QV a month
- Generator – 300PV and 25,000 QV a month
- Creator – 300PV and 37,500 QV a month
- Rainmaker – 300PV and 50,000 QV a month
Depending on your current rank, you will earn between 2-20% of the total PV of all the Utritionist on your team within their first 30 days.
And looking at the rankings above, it’s safe to say that you’ll have no other way to “rank up” other than to recruit a lot of people into your team.
PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is the points generated by product sales to your retail customers, other affiliates, and your own orders.
Uforia pays this bonus via a UniLevel pay structure.
In UniLevel, all of your Personally Enrolled Members (PEM) or the people you personally recruit to become Uforia Science Utritionists will be placed in your Level 1.
When Level 1 Utritionists recruit new members, the new members will be placed on your Level 2. The recruits of your Level 2 Utritionists will be placed on your Level 3 and so on.
Builder-ranked Utritionists can earn 20% from the CV of their team down to the first level while Rain Maker can earn between 5-20% down to seven levels deep.
QV or “Qualifying Volume” is the point assigned to each product for ranking purposes.
UniLevel Bonus
This bonus is similar to the Fast Start Bonuses except that this is a monthly residual commission you’ll earn from the Utritionist under your team.
Influencers up to Rainmaker can be entitled to this bonus. Influencers can earn an additional 10% Check-Match on your PEM’s Unilevel commissions:
Needless to say, you can only expect to earn these residual commissions if you have hundreds or thousands of people on your team.
And if it still isn’t obvious, recruiting and building a sales team is what the Uforia Science business opportunity is all about.
Therefore, finding the right people who are potential leader materials and developing their talents is key to your financial success with this business.
Quick reminder:
For you to be qualified for commissions and ranks, you must be an active Utritionist. To meet this requirement, you must pay an annual membership fee of $39.95 and achieve the 100 Personal Qualification Volume (PQV) requirement monthly
Other Bonuses
As you move up the ranks within Uforia Science’s compensation plan, you will be entitled to earn additional perks such as car bonuses, travel incentives, and other cash rewards.
These other bonuses are reserved for Innovator ranked Utritionist and above.
So unless you’ve indeed become an indispensable member of the company, probably with thousands of people on your team, you cannot expect to earn these lucrative bonuses.
Again, I would like to emphasize that you need to have thousands or at least a couple of hundreds of people in your team to earn a decent income in this company since retail profits are basically non-existent at the time of this review.
To verify any information I just shared with you regarding the Uforia Science compensation plan, here’s one of the recent videos from the company.
6. Uforia Science is often confused with a Pyramid Scheme
While the company has a very promising product line, one that is truly unique even in the health and wellness industry, I cannot help but question is Uforia Science a pyramid scheme.

For starters, based on the things I’ve shared with you above, it appears that the company’s compensation plan is all about recruiting people, AKA “building a sales team.”
There is no guarantee that you can earn a decent amount of money as one of their product distributors. At best, all you can get for any retail activities is a discount on your monthly product order.
Now, I don’t want to say with certainty, and I am not calling Uforia Science a pyramid scheme or a scam.
However, the Federal Trade Commission made it clear that for an MLM company to be considered legitimate, retail profits must be present, and members must be able to make money without recruiting.
I could be wrong but it seems that during this time, retail profits aren’t possible when you join Uforia Science.
Worse, it even looks like as an Utritionist, you’re paying the company a monthly fee so you can sell its products and recruit other people to do the same.
I don’t know about you but that doesn’t look good nor fair to me.
But this is my own opinion, and if you’d like to share your own, you can politely leave a comment below, and we can have a healthy discussion.
7. It will cost around $300 to Join Uforia Science
You can become an Utritionist by paying a yearly affiliate fee of $39.95.
This fee gives you access to a personal replicated Uforia Science website, the ability to participate in the company compensation plan, and the customer referral program.
Moreover, you will also need to purchase the Ustart DNA Test Kit which costs $159.95, and pay another $99 to have your sample analyzed and get a specially created dietary supplement for you.
And don’t forget the monthly 100 PQV requirement to stay qualified to earn commissions.
All in all, you’re to shell out around $300 to officially start this business and a hidden monthly fee of whatever the 100 PQV of the product amounts to.
Uforia Science Review – Should You Join Uforia Science?
The only reason why you should consider joining this company is if you’ve tried Utrition and Pretrition and the said products have done wonders in your life.
You are basically trying to become a sales rep of this company, and you cannot expect to promote Uforia Science products if they didn’t work for you.
That being said, I cannot recommend joining this company for business purposes as, at the moment, it operates dangerously like a pyramid scheme.
Once again, I’m not saying that Uforia Science is an outright scam and a pyramid scheme.
But the lack of clarity on whether distributors can make money by selling the products is a major red flag.
Nevertheless, I am in no place to tell you how you should make money, and the final decision is in your hands. But I do believe that you’ll do the right thing and what’s best for you.
And just in case you’ve realized that Uforia Science is not the income opportunity you’ve been looking for, but you’re still trying to find a way to generate an additional income source…
Then I highly recommend that you check out this program.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read this Uforia Science review. I do hope that you’ve found the answers that you were looking for.
Thanks, Jack, for your great review on Uforia? MLM’s have a great way of making themselves appear the solution to all your money issues, don’t they? The people behind this company have a tainted MLM background. They usually hop or merge with other companies while changing their name to look as if they are “new.” This “new company” is just recycled!
Much appreciated,