
Coffee Shop Millionaire Scam – A load of Crap



Name:  Coffee Shop Millionaire

Website: www.coffeeshopmillionaire.com

Price: $37/mth or $27/mth (Downsell) + many upsells

Owner: Anthony Trister

Bare Naked Scam Rating: 4 Thumbs Down


#1 Recommended Online Business Training with Proof: Click Here

Coffee Shop Millionaire – An overview

Another product brought to you by Clickbank. Coffee Shop Millionaire (CSM) is a system designed for people who want be make a lot of money (probably a Million) to quit their jobs and lead a better life.

No experience required, anyone can take their chances with this opportunity (At least this is what it tells you, in actual fact, you need to be a dang good salesman). CSM instils the idea that you can make lots of money by putting some effort at the start to setup the system and the CSM system will take care of the income generation for you.

Coffee-shop-millionaire-local-marketingWhat CSM actually do is to teach you the basics of Local Marketing through a series of lessons and training modules. But, can CSM really make you a millionaire? I doubt it.

The reason is very simple. The whole premise of CSM is to introduce you the idea of selling Email Marketing , Video Marketing, Search engine optimisation (SEO) services to local businesses and direct all the actual work to outsourcing websites like odesk or elance.

While the concept sounds simple, in actual fact, it is really difficult sell these services to local businesses. Unless you are a dang great sales person who doesn’t mind cold calling local businesses to sell these highly competitive and hardly understandable services to local businesses, I would urge you to stay away from CSM.


Don’t want to be a salesman? Let me show how you can actually make money online without selling

Does Coffee Shop Millionaire Work? – Setting you up for Failure

CSM-What Why but no HowThe reason why I am so negative about CSM is because it shows you the “What” about local marketing but it doesn’t show much of the “How”.

What I mean is CSM tells you a little about what is Email Marketing, Video Marketing, SEO, etc (this is the “what” part) but it doesn’t teach you HOW to sell these services to local businesses. There are basically no system or anything close to a strategy to selling these services.

If you are a total beginner with no experience whatsoever, how are you going to understand these services yourself and furthermore, sell it to other businesses. Even experts in the industry have trouble selling these services, what makes it less easier for you.

Though there are training modules to follow, these trainings are not much of a help to beginners. Basically, 12 video training modules of 10 mins each on average is what you get for $37/mth.

I mean, it is quite impossible to even cover the “what” part of the Internet Marketing (i.e. the Email Marketing, Video Marketing, SEO) in such a short period of time. What more about teaching you the proper steps to setup the business. The videos only give you a vague business model that sets you up for failure.

No experience required! Really?

As I have mentioned above that you need to be a dang good sales person to sell Internet Marketing services to Local Businesses, this leaves the “No Experience” part out of the question.

Coffee-shop-millionaire-outsourceOnce you have sold the Internet Marketing services to local businesses, you need to deliver the service and this is the next part of the CSM system which requires you to outsource the jobs at odesk or elance.

If you have no prior experience in managing outsourcing work, let me share with you that it takes a lot of work and skill to first manage your expectation of your client and secondly to put through what is needed to be done to the outsourcee (person doing the actual work).

The worst part is that Coffee Shop Millionaire do not educate you on how to do all the above.

The Scam Alerts on Coffee Shop Millionaire – My Scam bells are ringing

This program have rung a few of my scam alert bells. If you are not familiar with how I classify scams, you can read it here.

Scam Alert 1: A “Holy Grail” system

Like many other scams, Coffee Shop Millionaire markets itself in a form of a “Holy Grail” system. Anyone who have been in the Internet Marketing industry would know that a “Holy Grail” system do not exist in this world. If it exist, everyone in this world would have been a Millionaire.

Scam Alert 2: Keeping you in the Dark

This is like the standard protocol for most scams to have an hour long sales video that does not disclose any information on what you will be doing or how you will be making money with the system. The only way for you to find out how the system works is to purchase the product.

I’ve sat through the entire CSM sales video and let me save you some time by telling you that you can’t get any useful or helpful information out of that video. The only information you can get out of the sales video is a bunch of income proof which I declare a hype.

Scam Alert 3: Constant Downsells and Upsells

The Downsell

CSM-Scheming-personThe moment you try to exit the webpage of CSM, you will be prompted with a discount to the CSM system. Instead of paying $37/mth, you can get the system at $27/mth.

The reason behind this discount is first to get you to join the CSM membership and secondly, to introduce more products for you to purchase (Upsell).

The Upsells

You will immediately be offered to upgrade to another product called “Six Figure Success Club” for $297 once you joined the CSM membership. Further to that, you will need to purchase web hosting service and domain name through CSM which will cost another $100+.

Before you even start your journey to setup your online business, you will be spending half a thousand or more for the entire system which doesn’t guarantee your success.


Click here to discover how to make money online at NO cost and NO Scam

My Final Word on Coffee Shop Millionaire

CSM is not meant for beginners with no prior experience, it is not even close to an average product to begin with. There are no clear path for you follow and there are no direct goal for you to achieve. Basically, the education you are going to get in CSM is nothing more than information that you can get out of Google for free.

Even having local marketing and internet marketing experience, having an additional CSM system doesn’t give you an edge to your competitors or to be successful.

If you are a total beginner with no experience and you are looking for a way to make money online, and you want to avoid scams altogether, I invite you to read my #1 recommended money making opportunity.


Your Pal,


My Secret to Online Sucess

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